This is for you SACCOS, saving groups or microfinance institutions.
What problems are you helping your members solve? Do you know your members needs or goals?
Or are you generalizing the needs of all members and issuing loans here and there as your primary
As a person affiliated to a SACCO, savings group or investment club, what has your SACCO helped you
with, apart from issuing loans?
For any SACCO to grow, you need to understand the needs and goals of your members to best help
them as well as reaching the general SACCO goal. You cannot solve or pretend to solve a problem
you don’t know.
Mfuko plus SACCO (savings group or investment club) management system will help you understand
your members by profiling them according to their needs and goals which is captured in the
membership registration portal.
The system will help with timely financial reports and reduce poor financial practices among
members. For instance, the system promotes transparency as members are able to view transactions
that occur in their accounts and SMS notifications are sent to their mobile phones for any transaction
happening in their accounts.
Financial reports are also easily generated at any time and customized to any desired period. Mfuko
Plus SACCO (savings group, investment club or microfinance) management system helps financial
institutions understand their members and empower them appropriately which is a win-win situation for both the SACCO (saving group, investment club or microfinance) & the members.
For more information about Mfuko plus SACCO management system click here
To request for a demo account on Mfuko plus SACCO management system click here